We are proud to announce new SSH keys feature. This feature allows you to create new Instances with a ssh key installed on, so even first login will be mush faster, without need to change root password. This is amazing opportunity to play with automated deployment and easy development.
SSH keys are more secure and easier to maintain form of ssh session authentication. It uses safe encrypted file to authorize you on remote machine, so you do not need to remember long and complicated passwords.
This new feature is part of our way to Vagrant support which available now! But from now on you can try to create Instance and run configuratiom management tool like ansible or chef on it without all that password hassle.
You are probably interested how you can achive it? Nothing easier. First you need your own pair of private and public keys - we have written how to create it here. Next you can use SSH keys from our API or web interface to create new Instances with automatically installed public keys. Support in Ruby, Python libraries and CLI tool will be available soon.
Example using Tiktalik API:
First we need to register a new ssh key:
curl 'https://tiktalik.com/api/v1/computing/sshkey' -k --user '[tiktalik_username]' --data 'name=[some_name]&content=[ssh_public_key]'
This query will create SSH key for you, after password verification. After that, a new Instance can be created with the key:
curl 'https://tiktalik.com/api/v1/computing/instance' -k --user '[tiktalik_username]' --data 'image_uuid=[image]&networks[]=[network]&size=1&hostname=name&ssh_key=[ssh_key_uuid]'
This will create new Instance with your ssh key enabled for root account. Random generated root password will also be available.